Landlords: 3 Reasons To Rent A Dumpster For Your Apartment Building


If you own an apartment building, renting a dumpster can be a smart idea. These are just three of many reasons to rent a dumpster for your property.

1. Keep Your Property Looking Neat and Tidy

As a landlord, you want your property to look its absolute best at all times. It can be tough to encourage your tenants to keep their places looking great, but installing a dumpster rental on-site will help. When tenants know that there is a dumpster near their apartments, they will be less likely to allow their garbage to pile up or to throw trash in the parking lot. This can make a big difference in how your apartment building looks to others, and it can even improve your property value.

2. Make Your Apartment Buildings More Eco-Friendly

As an environmentally conscious property owner, you are probably always looking for ways to make your apartment building more eco-friendly. Although you might not realize it, placing a dumpster on your property can be a wonderful move for the environment. You'll be able to discourage your tenants from tossing garbage around the premises, which is better for the environment. Plus, dumpster rental companies typically employ a team of professionals who sort through the garbage and ensure that it is being disposed of in the most eco-friendly way possible. By renting a dumpster, you can help prevent garbage from ending up where it doesn't belong, which is a great first step for helping the environment.

3. Use Your Dumpster as a Selling Point

Believe it or not, it's the simple things that often sell a tenant on an apartment rental. You might think that your dog park, swingset, or swimming pool will be the big winner, but little things like a dumpster can be quite appealing to potential tenants. Many tenants don't have transportation, don't have time, or don't have the desire to deal with getting rid of their garbage. Those who know that disposal of their trash will be as easy as taking it out to the dumpster might just want to move into your rental.

As you can see, it can be highly beneficial for both you and your tenants if you add a dumpster rental outside of your apartment building. Luckily, these garbage container rentals are more affordable than you probably think, so it won't cost much to enjoy all of these benefits and more.


10 April 2015

Get Green When Moving

About 10 years ago, I moved into my current home. Without being environmentally conscious at the time, I didn’t give much thought to how I moved my belongings from my old place to my current abode. However, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to appreciate the environment much more. I realize that we only have a certain amount of resources and should do everything in our power to conserve them. Nowadays, you can plan a green move easier than ever before. Some moving companies offer reusable containers for you to pack your stuff in. The amount of green transportation options is constantly increasing. On this blog, you will learn how to get green on your next move.