Questions To Ask Before Renting A Frac Tank For Water Storage And Transport


Having access to water can be invaluable when you are working at certain job sites, but water is not always a readily available resource. If you run a construction business or some other type of company that relies on water, you may have to dig into the options that are available for taking your own water to a job site. Typically, this will involve renting a storage tank of some type to tote the water to the location.

16 July 2020

4 Facts About Recycled Steel That Matter To You And Your Wallet


You won't get 100 percent unrecycled new steel for the framework of your new building. That's because for every three tons of produced steel, two tons are made from recycled steel. Here in North America, recycled steel has always been a part of the steel-making process, which is why there's such a market for steel scrap metal like you'll find in cars, appliances, and construction materials. In fact, according to the Steel Recycling Institute, up to 80 million tons of used steel scrap is recycled into new steel products every year.

25 February 2020

2 Things To Do When Preparing Copper For Recycling


If you have a lot of scrap copper metal and wires lying around, you may decide to take it to a recycling center to make a little extra money instead of simply throwing it away. However, before you take the load, make sure that you do the following things. 1. Properly Clean It One mistake that you should avoid when recycling copper is neglecting to clean it properly before you sell it to the recycling center.

12 December 2019

Copper Recycling During Home Demolition


If you are going to be demolishing a residential property that you own, then you may be interested to find out just how much of that home you will be able to have recycled. This is going to give you some extra money that you can put toward any purpose you want, whether it be to help with the cost of the demolition, help with the cost of rebuilding, or just to put back in your pocket for whatever you want.

5 August 2019

2 Mistakes To Avoid When Disposing Of Your Partially Full Aerosol Paint Cans


If you have several old partially full aerosol paint cans cluttering up your shed or garage, you may decide that it is time to get rid of them. However, before you simply throw them in the garbage, make sure you avoid the following mistakes when disposing of your paint cans. 1.  Throwing Away Cans with Paint Still in Them In many states, paint is considered a hazardous waste. Because of this, you cannot just throw the cans in the trash while they are still full.

26 February 2019

Unique Ways To Reuse And Recycle Glass Bottles And Aluminum Cans


Landfills are filling up at a rapid pace. Estimates show that around 12 million tons of glass is made in the United States each year, and only about 25% of that is recovered and recycled for use in other products. Aluminum is recycled at around the same rate; four million tons are generated yearly in the U.S., and only about one million tons are recovered and recycled. There are several ways that consumers can recycle and upcycle these items to reduce the burden on solid waste landfills and the planet's natural resources.

12 December 2015

3 Reasons to Recycle Your Old Computers


Do you have an old computer or two that have seen their last days? If you've considered throwing your old computers in the trash, think again. Computers are not only worth recycling, they also pack a few harmful components that if not recycled properly could end up leeching into the environment. So if you have a pile up of old computers and parts, take them to your local electronic recycling center.

6 August 2015

3 Reasons Why Rubber Mulch Is A Better Choice Than Sand In Your Child's Play Area


If you are setting up a play area for your child in your backyard, such as a swing set, then you probably want to make it as safe as possible. Many people use play sand, which can be a decent option, but there is a better choice out there. Instead of buying play sand for your little one's play area, consider opting for rubber mulch instead. These are a few key reasons why you may want to look into this option.

4 July 2015

Four Tips To Help You With Using Roll Off Containers For Your Remodeling Project


If you are doing extensive remodeling to your home, there may be a lot of waste to be disposed of. Roll off containers can be a great way to manage this waste. You can use them for recycling and disposing of materials. You may also want to protect things like driveways and lawns if you are going to use these containers for your project. If you plan to use roll off containers for your remodeling project, here are some tips that may help you:

27 May 2015

Running A Business? 2 Things To Ask Potential Waste Management Companies


When you are managing a large business, you might be more focused on keeping your customers happy and overseeing that large shipment than you are about choosing a new waste management company. However, if you make the wrong choice, you might end up dealing with frustrating hassles later. Here are two things you should ask potential waste management companies, so that you can be happy with your choice: 1: "What are your collection policies?

15 April 2015